Howard Squires Funerals

12-14 Emily Street Seymour, Victoria, Melbourne, VIC 4660
(03) 5792 1046

At our funeral homes, we understand that saying goodbye to a loved one is never easy. When it comes to that difficult time, the thought of organising a funeral for a loved one can be overwhelming and you can be pulled in many different directions – both emotionally and practically.

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Funeral Service in Seymour Vic
Howard Squires Funerals offer multiple office (Seymour, Kilmore and Wallan) and chapel locations ...
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Howard Squires Funerals offer multiple office (Seymour, Kilmore and Wallan) and chapel locations ...
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Howard Squires Funerals offer multiple office (Seymour, Kilmore and Wallan) and chapel locations ...
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At our funeral homes, we understand that saying goodbye to a loved one is never easy. When it ...