Allied eye care

Lvl 1/11-17 Orvieto St,, Victoria Point, VIC 3058
03 8538 1463
Allied eye care

We are a mobile eye clinic working in GP practices providing comprehensive bulk billed eye examinations. We keep your doctors in the loop about your eye health, through timely reports and direct communication we achieve better health outcomes for you.
In Australia, 90% of vision impairment is preventable or treatable through early detection. That’s 4 out of every 5 people who are blind don’t have to be. At Allied Eye Care we believe the best way to tackle this issue of avoidable blindness is through communication and collaboration with other primary health care providers so nobody falls through the cracks.
We have a particular interest in diabetes eye care and we know prevention is the best cure. With the number of people in Australia being diagnosed with diabetes expected to double in a decade, it’s worrying that only 50% of Australians with diabetes are getting their eyes tested at the recommended frequency.
We are a fully mobile eye clinic that helps medical centres effectively implement government health initiatives to reduce the burden of diabetes and its associated eye disease.

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eye care in Victoria Point VIC
to enter the eye. Your eye care provider examines your eyes using a special magnifying lens. This ...
Eye Care in Victoria Point VIC
eye clinic working in GP practices providing comprehensive bulk billed eye examinations. We keep ...
eye care in Victoria Point VIC
eye clinic working in GP practices providing comprehensive bulk billed eye examinations. We keep ...