LGT Tutoring
LGT Tutoring a highly reviewed private tutoring agency that specialises in matching students with tutors and providing 1-on-1 private tuition. We focus on hiring current University students who excelled in their VCE studies. We make sure that every tutor part of our team goes through a long application process, receives training, is thoroughly screened and provides their WWCC and proof of high-marks. We also regularly conduct performance reviews to ensure that our tutors are delivering lessons at the highest standard. Unfortunately, the tutoring marketplace in Melbourne is still filled with tutors who conduct classes without carrying valid working with children checks. This puts primary & high school students at risk. By law, it is required for any individual working with minors to have a valid check. For this reason, all Melbourne tutors with LGT Tutoring are required to either carry a valid check or apply & be approved before their first lesson.