top engineering colleges
ambala-yamunanager highway,mullana, haryana, 133207
MMEC i? one ?f th? ??lf- financing engineering ??ll?g?? in
Mullana th?t w?? ??t?bli?h?d in ???r 1995. The in?titut? strives t? be a
?r?mi?r in?titut? r???gniz?d f?r ?x??ll?nt t??hni??l ?du??ti?n, tr?ining and
r????r?h. It i? approved b? A.I.C.T.E. (G?vt. ?f Indi?). Th? ??ll?g? offers a
wid? v?ri?t? ?f undergraduate technical courses such ?? C?m?ut?r Science &
Engin??ring, Biotechnology Engineering, El??tri??l engineering, El??tr?ni?? and
C?mmuni??ti?n Engin??ring,Civil Engineering, ?nd M??h?ni??l engineering.
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