A balanced and healthy diet is the best way to meet this goal. This is because many coffee drinkers are in the habit of ordering beverages that have large amounts of milk or cream and sugar. However, eating healthy and exercise require quite some discipline and effort on your part, and some people resort to diet pills. This is because becoming healthy is the primary goal why you want to lose weight in the first place.1- Think Food: Your guests will need to eat, (and eat they will before they have their next day weight loss resolutions!) so picking the right dishes or plastic ware is the first decision you need to make. Master Cleanse claims to leave you feeling lighter and healthier in under 2 weeks. Ornish's Eat More, Weigh Less says if you eat fat-free, healthy foods, you can feel full and still lose weight. Part of the struggle of any diet is how food becomes SO important... you're trying not to eat carbs, and find yourself dragging and thinking about them every minute. Just don't put too much pressure on yourself that you break! Essential Trim GC Essential Trim Garcinia Cambogia