Loan Saver Network

Suite 7 / 323 Pascoe Vale Road,, Essendon, VIC 3040
Colin Kidd

Finance company specialising in assisting with debt and credit problems. Tax debt, credit defaults, debt consolidation, mortgage arrears are some of the problems we source solutions for. We implement strategic debt planning and finance solutions to enable our clients to move forward with their lives as fast as practical.
We have a range of specialist private lenders, caveat loans, 1st and 2nd mortgages, prime lenders, non conforming lenders for property finance and also vehicle finance. We offer specialist advice on finance products, debt management and negotiation, credit impairement and the loans available and pride ourselve on our can do approach as we feel "Everyone Deserves a Fresh Start".
Loan Saver Network has been established since 2001 and is a boutique specialist lender with extensive knowledge in bad credit, debt consolidation and tax debt issues.

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