Keith Flynn Marriage & Relationship Counselling Perth

37/131 Adelaide Tce, East Perth, WA 6004
1800 101 902

Where it all started.

I grew up on a farm in New Zealand to parents who were hard working, salt of the earth type people. Dad was of the old school, not showing much emotion and Mum was the social one, who really loved her flower garden. Our small farm was just north of Christchurch, with the local one teacher school a 5km bike ride away.
Have you ever had the “And They Lived Happily Ever After” dream?

At 26, I decided to get my OE ( Overseas Experience), so I move to Melbourne. Fall in love and quickly marry. My desire and dream for a family, with a loving wife, a son and a daughter (along with a cat and a dog), is fulfilled. Our family home with a pool in the backyard is in Hampton, a beach side suburb of Melbourne. And I see us living, working and growing old together, living happily ever after.

Have you ever had the rug pulled from under you?

A few years later, my wife asks me to leave the marriage. I am devastated, and sink into depression, along with a lot of other emotions. I am in so much pain. I feel like my heart has been ripped out. I have lost everything that was important to me, my marriage, my family, my home, everything I worked so hard for.

Looking at life as lessons.

It is the hardest lesson of my life, and also the most rewarding. I woke up to what love is. This truly set me on my journey to be in a position where I could help others more efficiently either move through pain or grow and avoid such pain.

I’ve had personal challenges and know first hand what it like to struggle with loss and depression. I know you are unique and special. You have your unique challenges and I honor and respect you for who you are and where you are at. Because what I was looking for was to be validated, loved and accepted for who I am.

Why I Love what I do.

Today I wake up feeling extraordinarily grateful to live a life where I do what I love, and get rewarded handsomely in many ways. My passion is to help others get to live the life they want. As we work together, I individually customise the approach drawing from many change technologies including Coaching, NLP, Hypnotherapy and energy work (to name but a few).

I know that breakthroughs like this are there for each and every one of us if we want it. I know it is possible for you too!

The biggest mistake I made on my journey was trying to do it all on my own. It is so much more efficient finding the right person to work with and cut months, years, and in some case, decades off the journey.

If improving your life, your relationships, your happiness, is important to you, my wish is that you find someone to work with. If you are curious to see whether we could work together, Contact Me, if not, I strongly suggest you find someone to work with, to help you get what you desire.

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