Superb Ceilings

3 Winchester Rd, Bibra Lake, 6163
(08) 9412 8200

With over 40 years in the industry our knowledge and experience of products and installations has been perfected and we take pride in every aspect of our business to ensure our customers receive a quality product and service.

Over time we have evolved to specialise in all aspects of the ceiling industry.

From supplying and manufacturing an extensive range of Plaster glass products, including cornices and ceiling roses… to our Trade Centre stocked with quality products from renowned suppliers including CSR Gyprock, Rondo Building Products and Bradford Insulation – you’ll be fully equipped for the job at hand. We supply to ceiling contractors, builders and anyone looking at D.I.Y.

We also have a team of experienced and qualified tradesmen working on everything from new builds, commercial constructions, ceiling renovation and cornice or ceiling repair work.

We truly are your “one stop shop” when it comes to ceilings.

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