Assunta intense pulsed light specialist

Moorhouse street, Willagee, WA 6156
08 93147019

Permanent Hair Reduction, skin rejuvenation,acne,pigmentation,capillaries( thread veins)

5 out of 5 from 1 reviews

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IPL/SHR/OPT Intense Pulsed Light12 in Adavale QLD
1. Product Name:IPL/SHR/OPT Intense Pulsed Light 2. Product Description:Three handles, three ...
IPL/SHR/OPT Intense Pulsed Light55 in Adavale QLD
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150W 905nm TO Pulsed LD Light Source22 in Adavale QLD
1. Product Name:150W 905nm TO Pulsed LD Light Source 2. Product Description:Overview: This ...