Now knowing your balance is absolutely hassle-free, you need not to stand in long queue of bank in order to know your balance anymore. It is very easy and mobile these days with the advancement of the technology, the best development is the hassle free services to the people with almost no time for these things now.
Check SBH Account balance via SMS:
The state bank of Hyderabad also provides the SMS Banking facility to all the customers’. In order to use this service, you have to get the mobile enabled with the SMS banking service and set the SMSC message centre number on the mobile phone.
A user has to give a request as a short message through a mobile phone while using SMS Banking service using SMS.
For availing SMS Banking services, a message has to be sent to the number given by the bank. The short message should be in a particular format. Within few seconds, you will receive a message with all the information on your mobile phone as a message.
To check account balance via SMS banking
Just send “SBAL{space}User id{space}MPIN” example; SBAL abcd 1234 and send it to 9223440000.
Contact Us
Address-4031 Church Street Queens, NY 11101,USA
ZipCode-NY 11101
Phone Number-760-432-7673
Mobile Number-760-532-9565
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