Commercial Electronics

1565 W. 7th Avenu Vancouver, British Columbia, V6J 1S
Commercial Electronics

Commercial Electronics is one of the leading suppliers of high quality audio and video devices and smart home systems in Vancouver. We provide professional equipment's for studios, productions and venues of all sizes. We provide from headphones to complete systems. With our 50+ years of presence and experience in this market our teams have the depth of knowledge to give you exactly what you are looking for at a very competitive price. We help you in finding the right balance between pinnacle of sound quality, the greatest picture quality and beautiful design. We specialize in setting up dedicated home cinemas, from 5 to 50 seats, based on clients' needs. Living Room or Bed Room Shall Be Converted to Home Theatre Setup. Our scope of work includes A/V systems, acoustics, theatre seating, lighting, automation and much more. Apart from this we excel in high-end stereo (two channel) music systems and multi room audio distribution throughout a home (outdoor & indoor). We provide custom design Audio/Video systems according to our client's requirements, adding a new dimension to home entertainment. Smart Home Automation enables you to seamlessly blend technology into your designs in an exciting way, providing our clients with optimal convenience, comfort, security and energy savings. Custom designs allow us to assemble diverse technologies in your home providing simple control and monitoring solutions that are the ultimate in comfort, convenience and efficiency. For more details, visit our website today!

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