Chromakey Backdrops & Green Screen Kits
We offer high quality Chromakey Backdrops with Stand at Backdropsource. The 100% cotton Chroma-Key background is suitable for video, or still photography. The stands have a stylish black enamel finish and are an extra sturdy support system for canvas backdrops, muslins or rolls of paper. Our tripod legs are specially designed with an extra wide footprint, so this is one of the most stable, portable stands on the market, and is so affordable it's within the reach of amateurs and pros alike. Takes less than 5 minutes to set up, our backdrop support system is the ideal solution for home-studios, outdoor or on-location shoots- can be used for both large and small groups. It easily holds large muslins as well as heavy backgrounds, yet folds down for easy storage.
Just click on this link or call us on (07) 3053 8668 for more details