University Cancer Centers

12811 Beamer RD Houston, TX 77089, Houston, TX 77089
Dr. Mark D'Andrea

Unlike other hospitals, University Cancer Canters is a private facility where physicians have the liberty and peace of mind to provide appropriate care for the patient. There are no trainees between you and your attending physician because our staff consists of highly skilled and experienced specialists who personally care for the cancer patients. We understand that no two cancer diagnoses are alike, so at University Cancer Centers, our main objective is to stay updated on the latest treatment options and provide the patients with access to clinical trials to cure cancer. Our treatment alternatives have been created with utmost caution. Our doctors consider all factors before recommending a treatment strategy to minimize adverse effects while treating your cancer. Our medical experts perform coordinated surgery, systemic chemotherapy, gene-targeted therapy, radiation treatment, endocrine therapy, and immunotherapy to treat cancer.

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