4448 West Side Avenue Piscataway, NJ 08854, NEW YORK, 10001
David Flury
Summadx, a lot of the information about penis size comes from culture as well as never science. The difficult, at best, to obtain any real scientific data about below or above average penis size. There were, however, three recent studies done in laboratory settings that gave us these figures. The Summadx length of your respective flaccid penis is from 3.4 inches to 3.7 inches, or 6.6cm to just over 9cm. Surprisingly, there is not a huge jump larger when measuring the erect size. Those averages were 5.1 inches to your own Male Enhancement Supplements .7 inches, or 12.9cm to age 14.5cm. The average girth of an erect penis was 3.5 inches to 3.9 inches, or 8.8cm to 10cm.
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