Simply Dating

Canberra, ACT 2610
Simply Dating

Simply Dating is an online dating service that is safe, genuine, and unique. Before a Ukrainian lady is registered on our website, they are personally verified by us. Every member's details are secured by HTTPS protocols. We offer features that are mostly unique to us, including video/audio chat online, speed dating events, automatic translation in all languages, VIP status (free five-minute audio/video chat with each lady), and an in-house travel agency to organize your trip. Our support team also supplements these complimentary services with one-on-one consultations, matchmaking services, & 24/7 support.

Keywords: Matchmaking, one-on-one personal consultants, Dating advice, Professional matchmaking, Speed dating events, VIP status, Automatic translation (text chats-all languages), Video/audio chat online, Excursions and meetings, International travel and tours

Business hours: open - 24 x 7

Business Since: 2009

Contact Us;

United Kingdom Address: Simply Dating Network Limited, 124 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX, United Kingdom

New Zealand Address: Simply Dating Network Limited, Level 1, Findex House, 57 Willis Street, Wellington 6011, New Zealand

Ukraine Address: 42 Moskovs'ka Street, Mykolaiv 54017, Ukraine

Phone: +38 066 7678917

Business Email:

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