Smart Social wifi Australia

Smart City Systems, 11 Alma road, Clayfeild, Brisbane, WOOLOOWIN QLD 4011, Brisbane, QLD 4011
+61 439 119124

smart social wifi Offer your customers free Wi-Fi access, and in return, you then have the ability to retrive data provided by social media providers. Once you know who your customers are, the more you can achieve through powerful and personal touch communication. Smart Social Wi-Fi is a modern analytics and marketing tool which allows owners of various establishments to identify and interact with their guests, for example by using real-time promotional campaigns, mailing, conducting surveys via star rating system and gathering feedback and thus improving the overall quality of services. Social WiFi allows any organization to identify their client, analyze their overall experiences and improve the establishment enabling more Clients to revisit more often and also spreading the words, consequently providing more profit and good fame.

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