Docklands News

208/198 Harbour Esplanade, Docklands, VIC 3008
03 8689 7980

Docklands News: Illuminating Docklands (Postcode 3008)


Docklands News is your one-stop shop for all things Docklands, shining a light on the exciting developments, local heroes, and community spirit that define this vibrant Melbourne neighborhood (Postcode 3008).

What we offer:

  • News that sparks: Get the latest updates on upcoming events like the Firelight Festival, featuring a world-first underground light show, and new landmarks like the planned ferris wheel at South Wharf.
  • Community champions: We celebrate the achievements of local heroes who make a difference in Docklands.
  • In-depth analysis: Go beyond the surface with our insightful coverage of local issues and planning decisions.

Why choose Docklands News?

  • Your local lens: We provide a unique perspective on Docklands that you won't find anywhere else.
  • Trusted source: We've been a reliable source of information for Docklands residents, workers, and visitors since 2003.
  • Engaging platform: Our user-friendly website keeps you informed and connected to the community.

Docklands News: Where Docklands comes to life!

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