anaconda xl It is also thought to boost sex drive in men, particularly in mid-life and later, which is why supplementation is very important to some men. As a sidebar, it also promises to increase penis size, which is a suspect claim for any supplement to make, so proof of this claim must be supplied. For example, little Sarah’s prescription vitamins or your wife’s birth control or iron pills may top the list. This is not unlike the picture you get in women’s magazines implying that in order to be a “healthy” women you have to be slender and not have any wrinkles.When you exercise, it helps your body to work and helps in improving your blood circulation. The good news is that your GI (gastrointestinal) tract is highly sensitive to dietary fiber and if you’re backed up, fiber will put the steam back in your locomotive! Men searching for this product may find themselves frustrated by the lack of viable options in the marketplace.