Long Life Health Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine
About Long Life Health Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine Life Health Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine is the most renowned name serving people with traditional Chinese medicine and a balanced treatment approach. We are the most reliable acupuncture and fertility clinic at Moonee Ponds, Essendon, Brunswick, Taylors Lakes in Melbourne. Being one of the most trusted women’s health clinics in Melbourne, we offer excellent PCOS treatment for all the women in need of proper treatment. We Specialise In - Fertility IVF & Assisted Reproduction Pregnancy & Obstetrics Gynaecology & Women’s Health Women’s Health Neurological Condition Pain Management Internal Medicine Why Choose Us We focus on the root cause of the condition other than just looking into the symptoms. Your health is our top priority, and we always make you feel the need. We only use premium herbal products for treating our patients. Our practitioners review the most advanced medical research to make sure that our knowledge and treatments are up to date. We are mostly being recommended by our clients. At least 85% to 90% of our clients recommend us to their friends and family. We are experienced practitioners in the business for quite a long time now. We don't have any specific or particular prescription meant for our patients. Instead, we will provide you with tailor-made prescriptions after assessing your problem. We are associated with ‘Save the Children' initiative. For every paid treatment, we donate $1 on your behalf to ‘Save the Children' project.