Nerve Regen Formula
It is a specially synthesised form of vitamin B12 (also referred to as Methyl B12) which has been found to be broken down quite easily by our stomach acids, and can thus be used to nerve optimisation very well by humans.
Methyl B12 can be taken orally and is immediately available to the body much like injectable vitamin B12. Added benefits include the addition of amazing compounds like riboflavin (vitamin B2) and vitamin B6 which in their own rights are amazing wellbeing supporters.
Folic Acid
This acid is quite commonly found in healthy green vegetables and other natural ingredients. When taken in clinical dosages, this potent compound can really help improve the blood circulation rate within our bodies.
Research has shown that many people who have neuropathy also have bad circulation, and thus Folic acid works closely with vitamin B12 to assure that the RBC (red blood cell) production as well as mineral delivery (iron, zinc) within our bodies is happening efficiently.
Vitamin D3