Scaussie Electrical And Communications

3-5 Exeter Way, Unit 2, Caloundra West, QLD 4551
(07) 5491 3235
Tony Taylor

Scaussie Electrical and Communications are based in Caloundra and provide quality electrical services across the Sunshine Coast. Air conditioning installation and data cabling for NBN are included. They work for both residential and commercial clients.

Scaussie also provide commercial electrical maintenance services and emergency electrical work too.

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Air conditioning and electrical, All electrical works & TV/Data/Cabling etc. in Caloundra West QLD
Electrical Communications is one of the top domestic, commercial, industrial, and air-conditioning ...
electrician in Caloundra West QLD
Electrical Communications is one of the top domestic, commercial, industrial, and air-conditioning ...
Cablewise Electrical and Communications Pty Ltd began in November of 2001. Cablewise provide a ...