
Work lines don’t do very well um like amateur locally but then at the national level got her turning pro the reveal the secrets to great we got like a plan will take guys like me who were nobody who look like sheer never been in shape back then he makes all his guys coming shows condition yeah and not known but you note for you haven't of Olympians you I got you on the politics like George fair but he brings it to you guys all the guys in the heart condition on in you know like it that you you’d also hated in the industry a lot could you hear more on it like me you not going to bullshit you saw paid visit is really good coach but what the beer of the coach routerswanna mess you up with TestoXtrm  people looking at Oakley got going on so I wanted to talk about a my bloodworm so my blood work after it was it was exactly we Anna exactly like four days after my lot steroid injection that I guy went to the hospital I got my blood.

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