Which exercise is best at boosting brain power

New York New York, New York, 10012
tinzera ciuea

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly Intellimax IQ translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness. Einstein's definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. We all cringe in disbelief when we hear about an abused child that clings to the abusive parent rather than face the anxiety of separation. We are no different. We cling to the has beens, the emotional & physical zappers rather than face potential rejection or....heaven forbid the f word - failure. Failure is only failure when we choose to slink back to our toxic cocoon and spin more suffocating walls of deflection. Failure can be a wonderful, super charged launch for success. Most people can relate to clinging to a past relationship for comfort. We know how dysfunctional it was don't confuse me with the facts. Attachment and love are NOT the same thing. Fear causes cling which we thinks makes us happy - beats the terrifying alternative of the unknown.


 Fearful thoughts of Love: Fearful thoughts of a healthier lifestyle: I'll never feel loved again What if I quit I don't want to be alone What if I gain my weight back Wow I screwed that one up! I look awful in gym clothes Others will think I can't commit bodies at the gym are so perfect Others will think I can't satisfy This is my 10th time trying to stop smoking Just love that Freud guy. Pleasure & Pain Pleasure = courage, our happy place, pride, love, lust Pain = disappointment, fear, Loneliness, depression....... The trick: learn to use that pain to catapult our...s make a change, and bring about our own pleasure. I truly believe we don't even recognize pleasure unless we worked for it and accomplished it ourselves. Take a look at many people you know - life was handed to them on a silver platter - Mommy & Daddy did all - the latest & greatest in everything. Is that pleasure - No - Usually people who have had others "do their pleasure for them" have a sense of entitlement not a sense of hard work to accomplish self pride & pleasure. Very often get them to do something on their own, a sense of learned helplessness. We need to achieve happiness on our own in order for it to empower us. Use those fearful thoughts as a precious resource to move us to take action. When working with clients - one of the best tools I have as a fitness professional is the client's history with fitness. What have they tried, success, challenges, setbacks....all of these provide us great insight as to how we can hone our efforts - more fine tuned - to ensure adherence, client comfort sense of success.


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