The essay is an excellent work for developing creative thinking, for the ability to express your thoughts, to prove your point of view, to draw attention to yourself. It is not for nothing that lately an applicant or candidate for a certain position is required to write an essay. It is in the work of this genre that you can determine whether a person can be interesting, original, whether he is able to express his thoughts competently, whether he can present himself so that he will be chosen from among other applicants. Although the writersperhour review is a creative work, there is much to be learned from writing it. In particular, the essay teaches you to identify cause and effect relationships and describe them in simple, uncluttered, scientific phrases. By writing a number of essays, you can learn to formulate your thoughts competently, and to do it in such a way that the work is interesting to read. The essay teaches you not to be unsubstantiated and to reveal this or that idea through concrete examples, as well as to be able to look at the world unconventionally and to offer sometimes paradoxical solutions.