My Journey on losing 10kg in 12 months

Sydney, NSW 2000

Discover how an obese scientist lost 10 kg in 12 months with best selling author, Bonita Gonsalvez. Inspired by her own battle with unwanted weight, Bonita describes her journey to weight loss. She explains the challenges that she faced during her battle to weight loss and how she overcame it.After one year of implementing changes to her mindset and her lifestyle, Bonita gained muscle to burn fats effectively. She lost fats around her tummy, buttocks, hips and thigh.In this e-book she reveals insights as to why her attempts to lose weight were failing. Furthermore, she discusses her steps to shed more fats and provide a brief conclusion when it comes to weight loss.Change your mindset and take control of your weight! Buy this book and overcome the challenges of weight loss. Promotion ends shortly!

My Journey on losing 10kg in 12 months

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