Barry Lance - Celebrant

PO Box 7040, Geraldton, WA 6531
0438 454 213

As a Celebrant for nearly 30 years, I have had the great pleasure of conducting hundreds of ceremonies around Australia, in an enormous range of environments and locations… 

"From deserts to beaches, forests to family homes, parks to pubs, from the Murchison to Meekatharra, Launceston to Latham, I have enjoyed many wonderful experiences and getting to meet couples to assist them with their important day. I often receive new ceremony requests from friends and family of previous clients, which brings great joy to me 

Getting married is such an important decision, a major part of anyone’s life experience. The ceremony is not only a “rite-of-passage” for the individual, but also involves life impacting decisions for partners, families and friends alike. The marriage ceremony itself requires considerable experience to blend and balance the multitude of legal responsibilities and emotional components that the couple, audience and celebrant “bring” to their ceremony.

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