CWCS Advertising and Web Agency

2 Cabramatta Street, Bayswater, WA 6053
0400 258 452

A Google Business Profile needs to work seamlessly with your website. WordPress is the most commonly used platform on the web, not just because it is open source (free to use), but also because of its versatility. With WordPress, you own your website and have the freedom to change hosting anytime you wish or add another email address at no cost.  It is your property to customise as you see fit. As a builder or trade service provider, optimising your Google Business Profile for local SEO is crucial. This involves keyword research, using the appropriate schema, improving Domain and Page Authority, acquiring Back links, utilising Geo-Tagged images, and listing your business on local directories. While Facebook and Instagram work well for some businesses, others like B2B work well with Linkedin so we’ll optimise your presence. Regular Google updates like posts will enhance you digital presence. If you keep your content dynamic Google will notice and list you in their search results.

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