Water Treatment Services

5/42 Keane St, Currajong, QLD 4812
(07) 4728 8920
Louise Mclean

Water Treatment Services provide efficient and effective water solutions, prioritising safety and compliance while optimising ROI. With over 30 years of experience, WTS offer smart chemistry solutions for industrial water treatment and reuse. Our services include project engagement from green-field evaluations to commissioning, chemical supply, system monitoring, and operational support. Our skilled team of chemists and engineers develop tailored water treatment technologies for each application, optimising plant performance and cost-effective water treatment. We achieve this by following a four-phase process to solve water-based problems: Solution Design, Application, Monitoring & Measurement, and Optimisation. Since February 2021, WTS has operated as an independent subsidiary of MAK Water, a leading Australian water treatment company. Learn more about WTS on our website today.

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