New York, NY, 10012
Saming pk

Breakfast: Whole wheat bread (baker, especially not under plastic industrial) + cashew puree + sprinkle with cinnamon. Hot drink without sugar.

Snack if needed: fresh seasonal fruit + 1 handle almond.

Lunch: Rice salad + cucumber + tomato + fresh pumpkin seeds + feta. Season with olive oil and lemon juice. Salt if necessary. A hot drink without sugar.

Snack if needed: fresh seasonal fruit + 2 squares of dark chocolate + 1 banana

Dinner: Potato steam steam + Broccoli (cooked in the same super simple tray). Season with olive oil and herbs.




Breakfast: Muesli organic no added sugar + almond milk without sugar. Hot drink without sugar.

Snack if needed: fresh seasonal fruit + 1 handful of nuts

Lunch: Chicken (roasted or toasted breadcrumbs but without sauce) + Ratatouille homemade or home cooked vegetables + bread (baker). A hot drink without sugar.

Snack if needed: fresh seasonal fruit + 2 squares of dark chocolate + 1 banana

Dinner: Chili sin carne homemade.

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