Vida Tone Keto Unfortunately, these men are rare, since other men frankly consider their behavior abnormal. They explain this by the fact that in men, the need to fertilize as many females as possible in the genotype is lay down. But these guys do not understand that some members of their sex may think about feelings and attitudes and meaningfully push sex into the background. Men who are guided by principles have normal sexual desires. They simply reckon with the feelings of others and cannot have sex for the sake of sex because it degrades the merits of women and their own. Of course, love and sexual desire are practically indivisible concepts. But just experiencing true love, men can consciously refuse sex for the sake of a woman. Often the reason for this is to install some principles of lovely ladies or their young age. And then those guys, who really love, agree to expect as much as you need. Many men, however, say that it is impossible to stand and start going to the left. But in fact, if a person loves truly, then the happiness of the haves and the fear of losing her due to adultery make you take your sexual desire and think with your heart, and not with other parts of the body. Therefore, every girl who doubts that a man can live without sex and goes on intimate intimacy just for his sake should stop deceiving herself. A loving person will never be forced to sex or blackmailed with a love story. He will always be able to understand why you don’t want to join in close proximity and agree to wait. But if a man begins to blackmail, declares that he will change without sex and so on, and then his feelings are not real. Most likely, he likes you, but not as a man with his soul and character, but as a sexual object. And in this case, such a relationship is worth breaking, because they will not lead to anything except pain and disappointment. He likes you, but not as a man with his soul and character, but as a sexual object. And in this case, such a relationship is worth breaking, because they will not lead to anything except pain and disappointment. He likes you, but not as a man with his soul and character, but as a sexual object. And in this case, such a relationship is worth breaking, because they will not lead to anything except pain and disappointment.