Best games
for some time there are no longer upset what's more and more one I'm a wallop
that'd be safe and making mistakes thinking you’re ready to go full bore into
the heavyweights diploma month up the their money sure to read it peepers
misconception is that you no harm in doing fine just onlygonna have my upper
chest or amid declines to hit the Lore it’s really just I mean the overall
chest development as from basic pressing movements we going to do about the best
test you feel that bar bill is usually better future stand on bill I I’ll
switch I go alternate sought to bar the one we can and do donned our safari the
stuff first working Sather okay three sets of 10 repetitions supported by
second still the campus like he appealed hear you feat and going to try to roll
you through this thing man or said to any remember that the key is our not onto
wait profits but my heart top good in that ill you know just hand today I'm not
doing anything really just people not people his mind that I’m there for you
needs me pick my Lamar Wal-Mart hot the perfect but you know it's always good
to have your partner when your bench pressing the pedal not have you go her
high club my pop good yeah top well that okay lock it up damn and a bra
shopping after this yes sometimes I you suppose a lot between settlers its biggest
areas of much love yeah even the smallest guys dot I see the guys now flexion
themselves the cat feel my renewal AHA and I don't they're mine near you the
hamper it is the last one yeah okay they were done this is the last workout for
the day right I good a bomb on Wal-Mart of good but yeah a perfect I mean this
is like the meat and potatoes exercise for chaps nieces- white I you see on
Mondays every Jim is loaded with everyone they call it art you know chest and my
neck and chest day and how to test a so do you know better than me I usually
don’t have it on a Monday by the way for going to shoot for 10 repetitions
that’s going.
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