Ultra Fit Keto The same goes for fruits and legumes. These are rich in fiber, vitamins, proteins and minerals. Especially legumes, they can be a magnificent substitute for proteins of plant origin. But they also constitute an important source of nutritional elements for the human organism. It should be noted that, according to macrobiotics, the best balanced diet is the consumption of cereals. For this type of diet, the consumption of cereals is essential and optimal for our body. These must be consumed as a whole grain. This criterion is related to the fact that the majority, for not claiming that all human civilizations, have experienced a development associating the cultivation of cereals. Not at all, macrobiotic diets have no relation to vegetarianism. In a diet of this kind you can eat what you want, there are no limitations. Macrobiotic feeding consists in understanding the specificities of each food. But, all things being equal, obtain their maximum potential from each of them. Deciding if you want to consume products of animal origin or not, depends on each person and their personal needs and tastes. While it is true that macrobiotic diets especially recommend the consumption of vegetables, this is not because the consumption of meat is prohibited. What happens in this case is that the human organism does not seem to need an excessive amount of animal proteins.