An Ultimate Guide for Paper Tube

No. 14 Caiyuan Road Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China 511300, Guangzhou City, 511300
+86 13631310813
+1 302-481-6622

Paper tube consist of layers of paper or cardboard twisted together to form a strong, hollow, and usually cylindrical shape. Adhesives are used to laminate or bond the paper layers together. The wall thickness of the tube can vary depending on the number of layers wrapped during fabrication.

Paper tubes are also called paper cores, cardboard tubes, paper cans, fiber drums, fiber tubes, paper tubes, winding tubes, composite tanks, cardboard tubes, and cardboard tubes. While widely used everywhere, the term “cardboard tube” is a misnomer. The cardboard consists of three layers of kraft paper, and the middle layer is corrugated.

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