When it comes to exercise choosing the ideal exercises is vital. You need to use a combination of both cardio and resistance
exercises to successfully eliminate weight. With respect to cardio I'd advise that you use High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
compared to routine medium intensity cardio. HIIT actually increases your metabolic rate which means you'll lose fat not only once
you exercise but also for a whole 24 hours after you workout. Regular cardio only permits you to burn fat while you exercise.
A good example of HIIT: Walk for 2 minutes followed by 30 seconds of sprinting (as fast as you are able to run). This becomes 1
cycle, complete 3 for a total of 4 cycles. Each week then increase by 1 cycle until you reach the 8th week, 8 cycles and 20
minutes . Once you've reached the 8th week you do not need to increase the amount of cycles.
Connected to resistance exercises that you could either choose bodyweight exercises or weightlifting or some combination of both.
You should select compound exercises as opposed to isolation exercises because chemical exercises involve multiple muscle groups
rather than single muscle groups. Compound exercises for the body include barbell squats, deadlifts and lunges.
For maximum weight loss results the rep range should be from 6 to 12 repetitions, the set should vary from two to four sets for
each exercise.
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