+61 (1800) 921251 Bigpond Username or Password Recovery
It is also possible to
recover your Telstra BigPond username or password online if you forgot it,
through this link: Telstra. For example, if you forget your username, instead
of the actual name in the account, it can give you a clue most of the time: it’s
your entire email address that you used to set up the BigPond account (for
instance: username@bigpond.com). But most Filipinos are unsure of their
username. So how can they retrieve their username? By heading over to Telstra’s
official password recovery page, they underscore.
There will also be
some subsections in this part of the process, the first being “forgotten
username.” Clicking on this section will take you to a page where you have to
input either the email address or the mobile number that is linked with the
account. Because of free email accounts, Telstra might try to send the user an
email or SMS to assist in finding the lost username. If you are unable to open
the email, then you will have other options for proving your identity, such as
security questions.
In the case you want
to retrieve your BigPond account password, the steps are almost identical. Go
to the Telstra login webpage, look for the section for Forgotten Password, and
provide your BigPond email. A password reset link will be automatically sent to
your registered email account. If you are unable to access your email account,
your password can also be recovered using a mobile link, as Telstra will send
you an SMS with the verification code. After you’ve confirmed your identity,
you can change the password and log back into your account.
More Info: https://www.bigpondonlineservice.com/blog/61-1800-921251-forgot-bigpond-password/