Hot Water Heroes

Buddina, Buddina, QLD 4575
07 5326 1433
07 5326 1433

Hot Water Heroes is a family owned and operated plumbing, drainage and gas fitting business. We specialise in supplying, servicing, and repairing all types and brands of hot water systems. Servicing from Noosa to South Brisbane, we've got your plumbing needs covered! Since opening in 2010 Hot Water Heroes have installed over 1500 solar hot water systems, ranging from retrofits to larger commercial sites. We pride ourselves on delivering quality workmanship, safety and knowledge of hot water systems. Throughout the years we have made the decision to remain independent which allows us to be unbiased as we know there is not one solution for every situation. We base our recommendation of systems on warranty, efficiency and pricing.  Our team is made up of licensed Plumbers, Drainers and Gas-Fitters. What that means is we can handle any hot water or plumbing issue you can think of, with formal training and onsite experience. Our team specialises in solar hot water and believes in the environment and economical benefits of solar hot water. We believe that solar hot water should be affordable for everyone as hot water is such a big part of every family’s energy bill. Call us today for an obligation free quote.  Visit our website:-

Address - Buddina, QLD 4575 AU   
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Contact Number - 07 5326 1433

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Opening Hours -
Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm
Saturday 10am to 2pm
Sunday Closed

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