3W Social Media

3/96 Lytton Road, East Brisbane, QLD 4169
07 3889 4027

With over 30 years of experience in the contracting and recruitment industry the team at 3W Social Media are experts in matching business with the right Social Media Ambassadors for their image. The key to our success is having an intimate knowledge of our client's requirements and our ambassadors' abilities.

We use a personalised and humanised process to match businesses with their ideal Social Media Ambassadors.  All of our ambassadors have built an authentic social media following. This means that what they post has a positive real-world impact. Through using Social Media Ambassadors to market your business, you create guaranteed exposure which can easily be measured.  This is one of the most authentic ways to engage consumers.


3W Social Media is committed to producing content that is targeted, engaging, measurable and will generate a response.  We are committed to maintaining personal relationships with all involved in order to find a suitable match for both businesses and ambassadors.

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