Cover Tracks Australia

51a Cale Street, COMO, 6152
1300 44 03 09
1300 44 03 09

Cover Tracks Australia has developed the world’s best patented cover track system to make dead doors run like new for just a fraction of the cost of replacing the frame. We have qualified installer stockist for our Miracle stainless steel cover tracks around Australia who can fix your problem in most cases for under $300 and guarantee to have your door running with one finger otherwise the service is FREE. Even if you are struggling to move your door, by using the Miracle cover track system you can be guaranteed to have your door work like it has just come out of the factory.

We are committed to manufacturing the highest quality cover track sliding door solutions for the domestic and commercial market.
Cover Tracks Australia has seven types of Miracle 304 stainless steel cover tracks. They are designed and manufactured so one will fit your door perfectly.
All our stainless Steel Cover Tracks are easy to install and come with easy to understand instructions.

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