Was supported by the NIH worry looked at an anti-inflammatory drug see the Cox aboard the brand name is Celebrate and we look to people who had normal aging on average about 59 or 60 and we either gave them the drug for placebo an inactive comp sugar pop treated them for about 18 months and we found that improve their cognition and also improve their brain function we looked at glucose metabolism with PET scan we saw there was better metabolism in the front part Brett we were Addium quite sure how that worked it could be that the drug did something directly to the brain Orit could have been a director in fact we started the study remember there was gentleman who is enrolled and this is the double-blind and he said you know doc I don't know if this medicine is helping my memory but I could sure go up the stairs faster and I thought well maybe that's the explanation people were taking these medicines they were walking more they had last joint pain.