What is the weight limit for UPS?

950 Eagles Landing Parkway Suit 430, Stockbridge, Georgia, 30281, Melbourne, VIC 3000
+1 770-710-3173
+1 770-710-3173
John Smith

The restrictions below only pertain to individual packages. There are no limits to the total weight of your shipment or the total number of packages in your shipment.

  1. Packages can be up to 150 lbs
  2. Packages can be up to 165 inches in length and girth combined
  3. Packages can be up to 108 inches in length
  4. Packages that weigh more than 70 lbs require a special heavy-package label
  5. Packages with a large size-to-weight ratio require special pricing and dimensional weight calculations

The limits listed above apply to most packages and destinations, but there are some variances because of different local restrictions in some countries. Please contact UPS for more details.

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