
new york, new york, 10012
ajaz wirk

people who would have enough respect to breast to keep kind sacred keeping kind of given that special that up something that is it does me something that isn't just on the street anything just some sloppy being that that you know cane flopped around in any form I'm you can get going again just want there's plenty Testo Xtrm              Testo Xtrm   of horrible looking men okay who do the bare cheated paying and who enjoy that no one alright now why give women the same right to be as run re: boulder I'm boulder just rude just yeah and with the late word imposing even I'm those men I mean babe know there and they don't care just a I like being mess right people's faces I'm yeah I mean it noxious you know that so women want the right to be up noxious me too stupid so yes what these people but yeah this is not quite what I have are you people



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