roofrepaint-Roof Painters Auckland

54 Ocean Street, SYDNEY NSW, 2000
02 8103 5213
roofrepaint conz

In order to paint a roof properly, roof painters must have safe and easy access to all roof areas. To get the roof painting job done correctly, we have scaffolding and roof harnesses. A roof with a pitch over 25° requires a roof edge scaffolding platform. We use roof safety guard railings along with personal harnesses and safety ropes on roofs with pitches of 8-25°. Moss, mold, and dirt can be removed from roofs using a high pressure water blaster. We repair concrete tile cracks and roof ridges. Roof Repaint is your one-stop team for roof restoration and roof painting. Get a free quote on roof painting by calling 021387991.To learn more please visit:

Mobile: 021.387.991

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