How does Prodroxatone do so many great things for your skin? Well, it is largely down to the high concentrations of Vitamin C with which it imbues the skin. Prodroxatone Serum Vitamin C helps to fight free radicals which contribute to skin damage. It also stimulates collagen production and does all of the things described above, resulting in gorgeous and youthful looking skin.Prodroxatone does so many things for your skin, in fact, that you may be surprised to learn that it is made of just three ingredients. Read on to find out about the three powerful and carefully selected ingredients that makes Prodroxatone such a wonder serum when it comes to anti aging. But first, let’s take a look at Purejuvenate and why it is so great for the skin. As Purejuvenate and Prodroxatone are perfect in combination, it is a good idea to hear about the benefits of both products.Dermatologists approve the three key ingredients of Prodroxatone, which all have the effect of strengthening and increasing the resilience of your skin. As we have mentioned, Prodroxatone is comprised of just three ingredients: Vitamin C, Aloe Vera Gel, and Glycerine. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? But, when you hear about what these three amazing substances can do, you will understand why they have been chosen to create Prodroxatone. The science behind them certainly makes sense.