Mangal Bhat Puja Ujjain

 Even in Mangal Dosh, the defect of lagna and eighth house is more serious.

- Mars is a cruel planet, so its effect on marriage only increases problems.
- Caution should be taken in case of marriage due to Mangal Dosh.
- If Mangal Dosh is in the horoscope of one of the bride and groom, then the coordination with the other gets spoiled. 

  What are the beliefs of Mangal Dosh?

- In marital life, if one person is mangled and the other is not there, then the death of the other can occur.
- Violence may occur between husband and wife.
- If one of the husband and wife is Mangli, the other partner is always ill.
- Due to Mangal Dosh, a person may have to face surgery and accidents.
- Mangal Dosh gives big problems; it destroys a person's life.

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