Relax about half an hour I resting ago he angry as for filling bag as a start with the Chinese cabbage that needs to be fine china course the years this beautiful enough that I have the during uses moisture content theshredded cabbage is meat with salt and while that rests I finely chop bunch of spring and the with the spring onions smiley fatty  Nox Factor pork mince that's really important just give us nice soft the juicy Texan to film PCs innings in that so I sauce sigh K there in the old favorites integrated gingers from last ingredient to our Holcomb shesecures a she said bizarre herb that had a really pay premium tea flavor as for those shouldn't she selling straining todampen feeling always use a saucepan and making dumping fillings because it really does work well the high sides keep filling in the ball the hand was good to keep it steady cab is looking good now just extract the last little bits met moisture can go straight in top portents assault that included in with all that cabbage makes is gonnamake a real difference to the texture about filling you time now to prepare asking simply cut into small cylinders it ‘swashed and flat and then roll into disks on the important part for Japanese girls’ the most Chinese

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