Affordable accommodation Canberra

PO Box 5044 Kingston ACT 2604, Australian National University, ACT 2604
02 6295 9430
02 6239 5711
Accommodate Canberra

Find affordable apartment accommodation in Manuka, Dickson Canberra. Please contact us on 02 6295 9430 to know the best accommodation for you.

  • PO Box 5044 Kingston ACT 2604
  • 02 6295 9430
  • 02 6239 5711 

Opening hours
Monday – Friday 8:30 – 5:30
Weekends Closed

5.00 out of 5 from 1 reviews
rating 5/5 Date: 27/01/2016
Find Short Term Accommodation in Canberra. We have the nicest serviced rental apartments in the ACT and across the country. Our office is based in Kingston.

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