Masteron Raw Hormone Powders Drostanolone Propionate as Bulking and Cutting Agent


Masteron Raw Hormone Powders Drostanolone Propionate as Bulking and Cutting Agent

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Synonyms: Dromostanolone Propionate; Masteron; Anabolic Hormones; Anabolin; Anabolic Steroids; Steroid Powder; Hormone Powders; Bodybuilding; Raw Powder; Muscle Building; Raw Hormone Powders
CAS: 521-12-0
MF: C23H36O3 
MW: 360.53 
EINECS: 208-303-1
Assay: 99% min.
Packing: 1kg net/foil bag or tin or as required.
Delivery: Express courier.

Usage: Masteron is a powerful anabolic/androgenic steroid derived from DHT that was designed to fight certain forms of breast cancer. It is used by bodybuilders as a bulking and cutting agent, as well as an ancillary drug to combat estrogenic side effects like water-retention. Its toxicity to the liver is very low, although side effects such as acne, hair loss and prostrate enlargement are common.

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