Provexum If a woman has no signs of an approaching orgasm at all, then for a man this is a signal that he is doing something wrong. However, in fact, not in all cases this is the case, because women simply can reach orgasm not every time they are in the vicinity, although this does not mean that proximity is unpleasant for them, unlike men who are able to achieve an orgasm during any sexual intercourse. And yet, what can make sexual relationships memorable and harmonious, what will help to make them different from “normal” sex? Among men and women conducted sociological surveys, which gave quite interesting results. For example, most men are often taken to talk about how much effort they put into bringing their partner to orgasm, while representatives of the weaker sex pay more attention to the emotional, spiritual side that preceded the act of intimacy itself, rather than on its physiological aspects. such. It can be concluded that both men and women mostly want and strive for the same thing, but they try to do it with significantly different, and often in general, opposing methods. This is most often the main cause of misunderstanding between the sexes. Therefore, anyone who is in a sexual relationship can be advised to be more sensitive not only to himself, but also to his partner. It is usually considered that sex is the lot of young people aged 18-30. At this age, men and women have sex regularly, fully satisfying their physiological needs. Those couples who are actively engaged in sex, look from the side more harmonious and happy. But how is the situation at a more mature age? In most cases, after about 50 years, the sex life fades or stops altogether. And very vain! So say the experts of developed countries. A study was conducted that monitored the sexual life of 200 people aged 60 years. It was proved that those who had regular sexual relations had a more developed intellect and a better memory than their opponents who refused to have sex.