Charlotte Peterswald Property Management
If you are interested in a position as a portfolio manager at Charlotte Peterswald Property Management please email Liz Walch in the strictest of confidence as we would be happy to keep your details on file should a position arise.
We at Charlotte Peterswald Property Management believe communication is the key. In our newsletter we like to keep our clients informed about what is going on in the rental market, our area, and our office as well as keeping you up to date with changes in Tenancy legislation. If you are looking to rent a property, we suggest you take the time to sign up to Premium Tracker. As soon as properties that match your unique criteria including number of bedrooms and preferred suburbs, you will be notified by email or SMS so you can be assured to get first opportunity to view properties as they are listed. We look forward to an ongoing positive relationship with you to help fulfill your property management goals. The team at Charlotte Peterswald Property Management.
5 out of 5 from 1 reviews