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now H both progressing quite nicely KBO i misses ball like it both man and double figures and all of a sudden just come to a grinding halt manages to squeeze one more at Solvang was really struggling now steady Eddie keeps it going for Great Britain all’s going to need a 16-17 extending his lead %uh this is a tremendous by Eddie whole shoulder the Lifeforce T-Boost pace that he said himself saying he could do 20 and the clock is a crapshoot stop add nineteen for a whole beyond race of unconfirmed at sixty direct factor Ax is all cut any hall only seven same is trying to come to grips with what we saw originally nevertheless it's a good result for the brakes etc. I think that was a affect what really having a couple reps taken away there he was using the suspension to bounce it off the floor catching it as it was coming back up again that's not allowed but he set the target for everybody else to follow and I including Michael Burke so let's find out a little bit more about this genial American quite work Denver Colorado two meters 160 kilos there you know I was %uh I was buying some semi pro football back to Colorado and I'll tore my labor global shoulder and I just happen to join a gym when I was after surgery but only three have a thread in disguise yeah started beating again to level ion my first show up kind of got hooked on the sport got people talking shit my first time all which I was happy about it wasn't happy about how it does look like little tougher your but don't forget your phone gotten stronger gotten a more experience in sport I’m happy about that i cum Linda S well that's what you do in a competition when future same as always on my final worlds could just 39 couple days ago up getting up there in age best....